Terressentials Detox

Hello all, as you know, I love terressentials! I stopped using it for a while because I was getting a build up on my scalp that was very annoying. I contacted terressentials and asked what I could do. They suggested doing a detox to remove the build up and any substances that weren't natural. So I did a four day detox (all that was necessary) to get my scalp balanced, normal and healthy. My hair benefited from it as well. The curls are more defined, and shiny.

What is the detox process?
*taken from terressentials website
Click here to visit the website FAQ
Refer to the outline below for the seven day Detox Protocol. To start, wet your hair, massage 1-2 tablespoons of "mud" into the hair and scalp for two to four minutes then rinse well. If your hair is longer than chin length, you may need to use more to coat the hair. Try rubbing the mud and hair between the palms of the hands for even coating.

Day 1: Three washes, as outlined above (one after the other, leaving the mud on the hair for several minutes before rinsing after the third wash). This is all in the same bath/shower - it's not necessary to take three separate showers!
Day 2: Three washes
Day 3: Two washes
Day 4: Two washes
Days 5-7+: One wash

Repeat this entire "detox protocol", days one through seven above, one to two times or as required, to remove synthetic polymer coating agents from the hair.

My Detox Experience
I washed for 4 days back to back. I diluted the mud with water, applied it to my scalp and hair, worked it in and rinsed. I only did one wash per day.

Thoughts on day one: my hair was dry, stiff and didn't have much curl definition at all. Don't worry, it's part of the "stripping" bad things out process. It isn't the same type of stripped your hair feels with shampoo. But it definitely wasn't as soft as I am used to!

Thoughts on day two: Ah!! It's drier and stiffer than day one. Maybe washing everyday isn't good.. I was a little scared lol. But the detox explains that this will happen. So I went on to the next day.

Thoughts on day three: oh yes... The curls are coming back. My scalp felt great! My hair was super soft, very moisturized and finally had movement again.

Thoughts on day four: My hair was soft, moisturized, curly and happy. You can see a distinct difference from day one to four. Not only can you see it but I could feel the difference. My scalp was clean, felt invigorated and itch free!

What was my hair like after the detox?
My hair has been much better. It is more moisturized, feels softer and my scalp is so much better. I highly recommend using terressentials. It is a great product and is worth the money !

Have you every tried this product? Would you?

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